4 min read
FHR Research Team

2 min read
Study Outcomes: Why Less is More
Outcome measures are among the most critical decisions in clinical trial design. After all, this is what determines whether or not your product was...

3 min read
Natural Health Product Claim Requirements
In the United States, herbal supplements, essential oil supplements, and nutraceuticals fall under the FDA umbrella classification of dietary...

2 min read
Drug Development: Step by Step
Natural products created from plant-based ingredients are often capable of powerful medicinal effects in the human body. Turning these formulations...

3 min read
Investigational New Drug (IND) Application
If your study involves a test drug and a medical outcome (i.e. something to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease), the FDA requires an Investigational...

2 min read
5 Ways to Reduce the Cost of a Clinical Trial
Clinical trials have a reputation for being massive expenditures, with budgets easily running to the millions. While this may be the case for certain...

4 min read
What does it take to turn a botanical into an FDA-Approved drug?
The FDA has a unique, streamlined process for medicinally active plant-based products to gain market authorization. That this process is much faster...