Clinical Research for Natural Products
Dr. Jessie Hawkins' Nutraceuticals Research Institute:
where natural health meets real science.
Research Sponsors
Commission clinical trials or observational studies, utilize our consulting services, license our proprietary study measurements, or work with us on the FDA's botanical drugs pathway.
Study Participants
Explore open research studies you can join as a participant, get the latest news about natural products through events and webinars, or sign up for educational trips and programs.
Research Organizations
Consult on study design, license our exclusive endpoint measures, utilize our IRB services, or promote open studies with our list of potential participants.
Explore Solutions
Whether you're a research sponsor, research organization, study participant, clinician, or health enthusiast, we have solutions for your needs.
Clinical Trials
Study a wide range of natural product endpoints with guidance from natural product experts.
Observational Studies
Epidemiological models, registry studies, meta-analyses, and other unique research solutions.
Professional data analysis strategy developed to meet your project's unique needs.
Child-focused clinical trials to measure real world effects in one of your largest consumers.
Study your product's effects on endpoints ranging from morning sickness to labor discomfort.
Capture your product's real effect size with measurements developed for nutraceuticals.
Get insight on study design, statistical approaches, study power, endpoint selection and more.
IRB Services
IRB ethics board specializing in natural products research to ensure regulatory compliance.
Investigator continuing education, human research participants training, and more.

Meet Dr. Hawkins
Each of NRI's clinical research studies are conducted under the direction of Jessie Hawkins, PhD. In addition to graduating at the top of her class in Harvard Medical School's elite Global Clinical Scholars Research Training Program (GCSRT), Dr. Hawkins has over 20 years of experience in the preventive/natural health field. She is widely published in scientific journals and her books have helped hundreds of thousands of individuals achieve better health at home.