Can children ingest Essential Oils?

Essential oil ingestion is a controversial topic in the aromatherapy community, but pediatric ingestion is practically unheard of. However, essential oils offer beneficial effects and are ingredients in many herbal…

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The Dose Makes the Poison

A dose is regarded as a critical factor that determines whether an exposure will cause a negative response in the body. This concept originates with Paracelsus, who is credited with…

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Kids Essential Oil Dosing Guide

Children clearly differ from adults in size. Size, however, does not explain all of the variations that must be considered for pediatric dosing. Immature metabolic pathways, developing bodily systems, and…

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Managing the Flu

The seasonal flu is a viral upper respiratory tract infection. In mild climates, the flu season is from November to March each year. The virus is easily transmitted during the…

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Essential Oils for Kids: Inhalation

If you ask 20 people in the aromatherapy community about pediatric inhalation of essential oils, you’re likely to get 20 different answers. The bottom line is that very little research…

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