Now Enrolling!
Elderberry for Prevention

Join the world's largest elderberry clinical trial

Now Accepting New Participants

What's Involved?

  • attend a brief orientation
  • take 2 elderberry capsules a day for 13 weeks
  • provide daily symptom text updates
  • take 3 surveys

Who Can Join?

  • healthy adults
  • ages 20-65, inclusive
  • resident of the United States

Will I Be Paid?

Yes! You will receive $120 compensation for completing the study.  Payment is divided by days 1, 60, and 90 of completion.

Learn More

Getting Started

To get started, complete the initial screening survey, which can be found here. A researcher will review your health history to ensure the study is a good fit for you.

If you are invited to participate, you will receive a link to schedule a 5-10 minute orientation meeting with a member of our team. During this time we will answer any questions you may have. Afterwards, you will receive your supplies, including a 60-day supply of the supplement.

During the Study

Once you receive your materials, you will log onto the website to complete your first survey and activate your kit. Then, you'll take 2 capsules each day for the next 60 days: 1 each morning and 1 each evening.

Each evening you'll receive a text asking if you had any symptoms of illness that day (i.e. cough, fever, etc). If not, respond "no" and you are finished for the day. If you respond "yes," you will be sent a link to click all the symptoms you experienced and rate their severity. This takes 1-2 minutes total. You will also take an online survey on days 60 and 90.

Your Benefits

We will send you up to $120 in a Visa/Mastercard cash card, or an e-gift card at over 100 popular online retailers. Compensation is divided into your day 1, 60, and 90 benchmarks.

During the study, our team is available to you 24/7.

Interested in the results?  Once the study is complete, a private zoom invitation will be sent to all study participants with an overview of the findings!

Important Info

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the immune supportive effects of elderberry supplementation. This clinical trial protocol has been evaluated and approved by an independent third-party ethical review board which is accredited by the US Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Human Research Protections (HHS-OHRP). It is conducted in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki, the Belmont Report, the regulations outlined in 45 CFR 46, and ICH GCP E6 (R2). The protocol is also registered in a World Health Organization (WHO) approved clinical trial registry.